Friday, February 25, 2011

The Hill Of Allen

The Hill of Allen (Cnoc Alúine in modern Irish, Cnoc Almaine in older), is a hugely significant hill standing parallel to the ancient Bog of Allen (largest bog in Ireland) . It is located near the village of Miltown, about five miles from the town of Newbridge Co. Kildare. The Hill was associated with the legands of Fionn Mc Cumhail and is documented in Irish folklore as being the the home or base of Na Fianna (Fionn’s army), the protectors of ancient Ireland.

Since the early 1960’s a Roadstone quary has caused the destruction of more than half of the original hill. The dynamite continues to blow, and the hill continues to dissapear. Weather this is legal or not is very unclear. It seems a group set up to protect the hill a few years ago discovered corruption and illegal activity involving Roadstone and Kildare County Council.

We live in a time where we have a chance to stop and look at ourselves and what we value as a nation. Is this new era going to be remembered for something other than the glutonous, materialistic, money obsessed society we associate with the boom? We, and our political leaders must finally see that we have valuble possesions on our island that does not need to be bought. And if its money and jobs your after then consider the tourism and educational possibility’s of a guided tour trough the wood surounded path up sacred Cnoc Alúine.

Eoghan Burke (Fia Rua)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2uibestow Album Review 11/12

Album Review: Fia Rua - Falling Time

'Falling Time' is a great album. I often have 'Dancing About Architecture' moments when I write reviews where I find it difficult to explain my fondness for an album but I'll do my best here to explain why 'Falling Time' is a great album.

Fia Rua is Eoghan Burke from Galway and has just released a wonderful collection of songs called 'Falling Time'. It comes out at a time where there's no real appetite for singer-songwriters in Ireland which is a massive shame as I fear Fia Rua's excellent album will go unnoticed by the mainstream media. It's an album of delicate tunes and songs sung with conviction on the themes we are now in the midst of in Ireland.

In many ways 'Falling Time' could well be the first recession album I've really enjoyed. Songs like the title track, 'Leave Me on the Floor' and the Jinx Lennon assisted 'Shakier' deal with despair, reality and loss. In between these themes we have some beautiful love songs like 'Into My Soul' where he sings 'I need your spirit inside me, Into My Soul'.

There are two real quality attributes within 'Falling Time'. The first of these is that Eoghan sings with such great conviction. When he encourages us to 'Walk Away' in the song of the same name I'm there with him. When he sings 'I crave more magic in my life' it brings to mind The Frames 'Pavement Tune' when Glen belts out 'I want my life to make more sense'.

The other attribute which shines is the accompanying fiddle and piano performed by Christophe Capewell. The fiddle in particular adds great depth to all the tracks and in particular to 'Hop on the Road' as well as adding the atmospheric sounds of 'Winter Sun'.

I highly recommend 'Falling Time'. At present this album means a massive amount to me. It suits my delicate mood yet has many positive messages for me which have the power to inspire. 'Falling Time' will be in my top 10 albums of the year for sure.

Fia Rua - Falling Time [11 out of 12]

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hotpress Album Review

"The Ross Rooney - produced sophomore album from Kildare native Eoghan Burke - trading as Fia Rua - is a mightily impressive affair. Blessed with a poetic pen and distinctively quavering vocal style, and peddling a rare mix of alt folk and indie rock, Burke manages to simultaneously sound both contemparary and timeless. The thumping title track, and a few others besides, wouldn't sound out of place on one of Rogues Gallery albums. He does dark and melancoly too, as evidenced on the brilliant Winter Sun. Elsewhere the likes of Jinx Lennon and Welsh songstress Nicola Williams add to an already heady mix of accents and styles. Fia Rua won't be to everyone's taste but, even if you don't like this genre, this is a folking brilliant piece of work"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Well Falling Time has been released, I know now why its called a "release", a big wait off my shoulders. The launches were great, and the reviews, and its only been a week. The radio played the title track, Ronan Collins your the man, I was talking to Hector today, he seems interested too.
Im planning to do a few more Irish dates before Christmas, maybe play at home in Kildare. I came up with the idea to play people's house's while X Factor is on...i set up a Facebook page, but ive only 4 likes so far, so maybe its not such a great plan, but i might not trow it away just yet. The new year will see me heaing to England and Switzerland and where ever else will have me. I hope I get a few festivals, my friend Christophe who plays fiddle with me has loads of contacts in Europe so touring the continent could be a real possibility.
Il be doing more blogs, cause my friend Keith Walsh is setting up and il be linkin this to it..later readers
Fia Rua

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Update on Album and Gigs

Hey readers, Ive started the recordings with Ross Rooney in 6yo Studios in Galway and their soundin sweet. I got James Haughey down for few days and we put down some drums. Ross has been putting down some wierd and wonderfull sound effects when my back is turned. Im hoping for a Autumn release....Working titles include Something Begining With 3....Falling Times and In The Wood. If anyone has a favorite feel free to let me know.
Idid a nice gig in Kilkenny last week in Cleres Theatre with Pearse McLoughlin and a few others, Pearses new album is great. Im playing Knockanstockin at 1pm Sunday on Main Stage. Untill next time, Eoghan